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Class 2 Statements in Oracle DDL

Statements in Oracle

Statements in Oracle is very much important topic to understand rest other topics better, so there will be lot of important interview questions will be there in this chapter.

This statements in Oracle is also called as Subset of oracle statements.

Before entering in to the statements in oracle, everyone should know the basic understanding about Data types in Oracle with that clear content will be much used to understand this subset concept will be easy to learn.

statements in oracle

Overview of Statements in Oracle

  • At the end of this chapter you will get clear Understanding about the statements of oracle

  • With the help of this statements, you can easily create database objects like Tables

  • Able to create tables, columns, filling the data and merging and other privileges related parts will be seen here.

  • DDL, DML, DCL, TCL are explained very well in this post.



  1. Always use underscore while naming any table or columns. Example: Instead of using customer name, use customer_name.

  2. Can't be able to change the data type from VARCHAR2 to NUMBER, if data is present inside the column. [In MODIFY command of alter command in DDL ]

  3. Don’t forget to mention the keyword (“Column” for RENAME and DROP alter command)

  4. No need to mention the keyword (“Table” for RENAME command).

  5. Don’t confuse ALTER column level command and DDL table level command.


  • It is Auto commit Statement, so no need to give commit in this transaction, this commit can be detailed explanation in TCL (Transaction Control Language)
  • This DDL (Data Define Language) is used to give a structure to the particular table and as well as creating a table and doing any changes inside the table.


ALTER [Command Level]




Shortcut to remember this

data define language shortcut in oracle


  • It is used to create a table

  • Syntax: CREATE TABLE table_name (Column_name datatype(size))



Orders -> Table name

Id -> column name

Number -> data type.

CREATE COMMAND in Oracle statements


  • It is used to create a structure for a table

  • By using this we can do any changes in the columns (Alter command)

  • This alter command is subdivided into 4 categories.





NOTE: The above command add, remove, modify and drop can be used only for column level only. If we use without an alter command it will act in the table.


Used to add a new column in a existing table

Syntax: ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name DATATYPE


Used to rename a existing column in a table

Syntax: ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME column old_name TO new_name


Used to change the data type of particular column

Syntax: ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY column_name new DATATYPE


Used to drop the column in a existing table

Syntax: ALTER TABLE table_name DROP column column_name


  • It is used to change the name of the table

RENAME COMMAND in sql statements


  • It is used to drop the table, and as well as there won’t be any records

  • After dropping the table, if you try to view the table it will throw an error like table or view does not exist.


  • It is used to delete the records in the table.

  • Here the structure is not disturbed.

  • The table name, column name and everything will remain the same.

data define language statements in oracle


Table Created.


Table altered.

ALTER TABLE reli RENAME COLUMN name TO customer_name;

Table altered.

ALTER TABLE reli MODIFY customer_name VARCHAR2(80);

Table altered.

ALTER TABLE reli DROP COLUMN customer_name;

Table altered.


1, What is DDL in oracle Statements ?
2, What are the commands in DDL of oracle statements ?
3, What are the command that are used for column level in oracle statements ?
4, Syntax to remove the records from the table ?
5, Syntax to change the data type of the particular columns
6, Syntax to add new columns to the existing table ?
7, Difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE ?    Most Important

NOTE: Must read the points to remember, which is given beginning of the chapter.


I hope now you got some clear understanding about the data define languages, so if you found any error or doubts in the above content means kindly feel free to ask us in the contact form or else through official mail.


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