BASIC UNIX COMMANDS Every developers must know this basic Unix commands, if you are from computer background or if your going to work as a support or in testing team, this are the some important basic commands will be used especially cat, grep, vi editor etc. mkdir Create a new directory. mkdir oracle_retail ls It is used to list the content of directories like files and directory of that directories. cd Change to directory cd oracle_retail It will move to oracle_retail directory when you are in created folder Ubuntu/home/documents$ cd oracle_retail moves oracle retail folder Ubuntu/home/documents/oracle_retail$ cd.. Ubuntu/home/documents$ ----- it will return to the one previous directory. touch It is used to create empty content files, just it will create a new file name only not any content in that file, touch newfile1.txt pwd It will display the present working directory Home/documents/oracle_retail/ Importance of Cat Unix command cat command is...